trigram harmonics categories ☲☴ ☱☶ ☳☵ ☰☷

Harmonic stages of trigrams

Harmonics stages of trigrams

trigram >> wind (women) /</ fire / light (men)

–> spreads of temptation sloth (women) ## envy (men)
*** awake of this activity (temptation sloth/women) / bounty (awake of envy/men )

amulet that feng shui home

Harmonics stages of trigrams

trigram >> mountain (women) /</ lake/water (men)

–> spreads of temptation vanity (women) ## avarice (men)
*** awake of this meekness (temptation vanity/women) / precision (awake of avarice/men )

amulet that feng shui luck

Harmonics stages of trigrams

trigram >> water (women) /</ thunder/wind (men)

–> spreads of temptation lust (women) ## wrath (men)
*** awake of this chastity (temptation lust/women) / peacefull (awake of wrath/men )

amulet that feng shui fortune

People are divided into two groups, those who live to eat, and those who eat for live. Anyway, half of what we eat go on nutrition and the other half on doctors (diseases).

Women temptations of gluttony

>> Adept ?

>> Intention to experience ?

>> Imminence ?

>> Principle of autonomy ?

Men temptations of gluttony

<< Master ?

<< Principle of reality ?

<< Susceptibility ?

<< Potentation ?

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